A new website that provides stats, trends and insight into the UK's bridging loan sector has arrived. Bridging Market delivers free consumer market research & insights for bridging finance in the UK.

Utilising surveys and research, Bridging Market strives to provide statistically significant insights to power meaningful content for the UK bridging industry and even national journalists looking for consumer data for articles.
Shaun Taylor, Head Of Business Development at Finanta said, "Bridging Market.org have already conducted consumer research about bridging loan terminology and delivered fascinating insights into property flipping in the UK over the last 2 years."
"We look forward to their upcoming discoveries that will help the bridging industry at large better understand consumers' needs and even assist us as we evolve our products to meet our customer's requirements."
If you'd like to get bridging loan and finance trends, statistics and consumer insights visit bridgingmarket.org to sign up for their free alerts and news.
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